We Love Photography

In order to make your new website or your postings in your social media accounts more appealing, you need pictures or videos that your future customers will like.

It has been proven that our brains think in pictures, so it is not surprising why the advertising industry would not work without photos and videos.
Does your mouth get watering when you see a photo with a delicious dinner? Would you like to travel when you see a video about an interesting travel destination?
These are just two examples, but one could expand indefinitely.
Of course, all of this could only be put into words. However, it takes a lot of text to convey everything that a single glance at a photo offers us.

The picture selection should be very careful. Of course, image quality is very important. Under no circumstances should it be too much detailed, because it distracts from the essentials, it must not be blurry, it should fit your company (your website, your postings) and, of course, if we are talking about websites, it should also have an image size that is fast loads so that the viewer does not leave your website beforehand.

There are various image tools on the Internet that you can use for yourself. Please always make sure to provide the author information so that you are not warned and may have to pay a fine.

If you don’t find anything suitable, you could, of course, use a professional photographer.

A professional photographer has learned all these things and knows how to use the equipment and will always make good suggestions for the best photos or videos during a photo session.

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